In Rap Pets, Viper meets Chicago rapper Calez and his dog Seven…
When did you and Seven first meet?
A month after she was born, she’s my sister’s dog’s daughter.
When did you guys become friends?
Well, she would be in my room as a month old pup and I would play ‘Wonderful Place’ by N*E*R*D and she’d just chill out with me. I knew she was going to be a great friend. I feel if I was a King in another time, she would be like the Kings beast.
What’s your favourite thing to do together?
Play fight.
Describe Seven in three words.
Tough, determined, playful.
How would Seven describe you in three words?
Big, turnt, master.
This is an extract from the Autumn/Winter 14 Issue of Viper Magazine. Read more from the magazine here. Buy physical and digital copies here.