TEEZANDOS INTERVIEW: London’s “Princess of Drill” TeeZandos marked the new year with an explosive drop titled ‘Old Me’, following our 2023 profile, we caught up with the East London rapper for a VIPER Presents…
What five words define your sound?
Power, capability, intelligence, authenticity and all around worth the listen. So, I’d say quality as well for the fifth word.
Tell me something unique about your creative process.
I have more patience for beats, I try my best to make whatever I’ve got work. I don’t intend to write now unless it’s to finish a body of work.
Which song of yours would you like people to hear first?
‘Together’ by me and a producer named Barclay actually. I enjoy that side of music but my Drill/Gritty stuff is always gonna be the first sound you hear. People like what they like, I don’t judge.
What inspired you to make that song?
Heartbreak actually, good music comes from pain… I’ve gathered that many times.
What’s the most vulnerable you’ve allowed yourself to be when writing/making music?
The most vulnerable I’ve allowed myself to be would be just before I took a social media and music time out. I had poured some real realer stuff on a beat I didn’t think about an image, just my pain at that time. I uploaded it to instagram and it got great reception which I was happy to see but it is quite emotional [laughs] so I don’t know how strong I feel about releasing it to the world fully! Sometimes I’m a yes man sometimes I’m a no man.
What’s the best/worst experience you’ve had on stage?
I’ve never had a bad experience on stage and I don’t plan to, with that being said – god forbid I ever do!
What is your favourite song to perform?
My favourite song to perform would be any really, I have a wide fan base who either keep up with new stuff or worry about the old stuff so either way new supporters or old, my stage set is gonna crash out!
Which artist/song/album made you want to make music?
It was MoStack , Chipmunk and J Hus who inspired me to want to be heard, I’m not gonna lie. I used to listen to them and say “I can do that” and I just started doing it [laughs]. My style of music definitely changed with newer life experiences but home is where the heart is, they’re my goats for real.
What’s the meaning behind your name?
I get asked this a lot, easy thing to say is that my name means Money.
If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing instead?
If I wasn’t making music I don’t know what I’d be doing , probably something not worth engaging in at this age for sure I actually don’t have a direct answer. It gets dark out here.
What’s success to you?
Success to me is what I was born for, success for me is what my dad should’ve signed on my birth certificate!
What moment in your life/career forced you to change direction?
I couldn’t give you a direct moment that made me want to make a change and want better for myself and my career but when I turned 18 and wasn’t dead or in jail I saw life at a whole new angle. It took me a while to appreciate it but now, everyday I try my very best to make the most of it for my friends and family in jail or those who aren’t here to see what I’ve done and what I’m doing. In reality you’ve got to want to change, 100 things have made me go 100 different directions but it’s all about what I wanted for me, like if I go left then life does too so I only aim to go right.