High Focus signee and UK Hip Hop OG, Fliptrix, follows up his heartfelt album ‘Dragonfly’ with this VIPER Presents. Get familiar…

What five words define your sound?

Energetic, positive, esoteric, meaningful, fun.

Tell me something unique about your creative process? 

I recorded my new album ‘Dragonfly’ by myself, sat down in a chair. It was written and recorded in just six weeks. When I get in the zone and lock in on a project I get tunnel vision and really feel like I’m channeling the energy so I just go with it and be as creative as possible. For me, creativity comes in waves so when the wave comes it’s important to surf it.

Which song of yours would you like people to hear first?

I would say ‘Cosmic Scenes’ featuring Greentea Peng. It’s a good example of my sound and what I’m about and I was super happy to work with Greentea Peng as I rate her music. I feel like we made something really special and even though it’s a classic Hip Hop track at heart, it has a universal uplifting sound that a lot of music fans can resonate with.

What inspired you to make that song? 

Being the change you want to see in the world. This was heavily inspired by moving from the UK to living fully off-grid in the Portuguese mountains. You can’t just talk the talk in your music, you’ve also got to walk the walk and I’m all about living in harmony with nature and as self-sustainably as possible.

What’s the most vulnerable you’ve allowed yourself to be when writing/making music?

I’d say the title track of my new album ‘Dragonfly’. The first verse is for my son, the second verse is for my daughter and the third verse for my late father. It’s definitely one of the most personal, heartfelt songs I’ve written and I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve throughout. I feel with songs like that you can connect with people on a deeper level and create more meaningful connections through the music.

What’s the best/worst experience you’ve had on stage?

One of the best experiences was when we did our first High Focus Records takeover on the main stage of Outlook Festival in Croatia. It was pretty much the full label roster and we had a massive crowd to see us perform in an incredible setting; it really felt like a bench mark for a lot of us in our careers. The next day we played a boat party and it was really wavy, the electrics weren’t grounded properly so if the mic touched your lips you would get an electric shock to the face, that was pretty raggo.

What is your favourite song to perform?

It’s got to be ‘Funky Microphone’ from my new album ‘Dragonfly’. Leaf Dog really came through with a certified banger and I delivered the flows and a catchy hook that really get the crowd hype. I’ve got a UK tour coming up in October and can’t wait to perform more of the new tracks live. 

Which artist/song/album made you want to make music?

I started making music in the early 2000s when I heard UK Hip Hop for the first time. The artists that inspired me the most were  Skinnyman, Klashnekoff, Jehst and Task Force, they were all huge inspirations to me. I still look back very fondly on the early days creating my first songs and it’s cool to see that the OGs are all still doing bits in the scene to this day.

What’s the meaning behind your name?

When I first chose the name Fliptrix there wasn’t too much deep thinking behind it to be honest. I recorded some of my first songs and I needed a name, I saved the track I was working as ‘Fliptrix’ and it just stuck. If I had to say what the meaning is I would say to flip lyrical trix as I’m really about my flow patterns and the messages in the music.

If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing instead?

I think if I hadn’t started making music I would have had a career as a film maker / videographer. However if I was to change path now, I would be working in sound therapy, healing and herbalism.

What’s success to you?

Being happy, loving what you do and feeling free in the world.

What moment in your life/career forced you to change direction?

When I was thirteen years old and I used to go skating in the city and I would see all the commuters on the train going to-and-from work. I decided I would never be one of them and would always do my own thing. Back then I was already on the hustle making skate videos on VHS and selling them to people hand-to-hand as I went about the skate spots. I started making music at sixteen and I’ve never looked back. I just always did what I loved and it worked out…

Where can people keep in touch with you? 

I’m on all socials @mrfliptrix and keep an eye on HighFocusTV for all my latest music videos etc. Love to everyone supporting! Peace!

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