Swedish-Grammy-nominated artist, Venus Anon is an alternative R&B artist of Iranian heritage. Following the release of her recent EP, ‘Catharsis’, we caught up with her to find out more about how her music creates space for underrepresented stories…
What five words define your sound?
Contrast, Grit, Beauty, Layered, Truth.
Tell me something unique about your creative process.
Unique… hm, maybe that I draw every visual concept down before execution despite having no talent for it. Covers, music videos, etc., I prefer to draw scene for scene and replicate it as well as I can, or at least capture the essence of it.
Which song of yours would you like people to hear first?
‘Still Get By’.
What inspired you to make that song?
A low period in 2019 I refer to as ‘The Great Depression’ to my loved ones today, [laughs]!
What’s the most vulnerable you’ve allowed yourself to be when writing/making music?
‘Ready For Slaughter’, I think, but ‘Catharsis’ in its entirety. In some ways, it’s kind of ‘Still Get By’s’ sister. That song and this EP are from the same place.
What’s the best/worst experience you’ve had on stage?
Best experience might actually be when I played in London. It was amazing performing for an audience that is so attentive. Soho House in Stockholm was also crazy – I had a guy step forward and put his shoe on stage, which apparently is a very significant gesture in the hip-hop community, symbolising respect/admiration. [Laughs] I was a little bit confused in the moment, though. Worst experiences include any showcase festival I’ve ever played, or music business-related events. I hate it and feel like an animal and will probably do as few as possible, sincerely!
What is your favorite song to perform?
‘Spooky’! I like playing with sound effects on my voice. Having Denzel with me is just chef’s kiss. And ‘Melt’, my most lovey-dovey song. I like playing it particularly with my partner Alma, who produced it, and whom it’s about.
Which artist/song/album made you want to make music?
‘Nostalgia Ultra’.
What’s the meaning behind your name?
My actual name is Venus. Adding “Anon” – short for Anonymous – just reflects my relentless unwillingness to be perceived by a mass, even as an artist. I sometimes wish I would’ve started off with a wig or a mask or something, but let’s be real—I’m way too lazy to commit to such a bit.
If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing instead?
I think I would either work in film, or be like a professor in post-colonial theory or something like that. Maybe a nurse? Take care of people.
What’s success to you?
Success to me is being honest with yourself about your needs and reaching a point where you are able to provide this to yourself. Success can be quitting a job that is making you unhappy. Success can be making art throughout your life, even if you have to dip in and out of side hustles. I can tell you what success isn’t: it’s doing what’s expected of you instead of what you want.
What moment in your life/career forced you to change direction?
I had a little law school moment. It was horrible. I dropped out after one term, and it is the best decision I’ve ever made.
Where can people keep in touch with you?
@venusanon__ on Instagram, and just @venusanon on TikTok. Strange content being pushed out there though, warning! You could also send me a letter – that’s pretty romantic.