Did Blanco come before White and where did the name come from? Nah, White is my last name and my family’s name. Armani White was taken when I was making an instagram so I used
Did Blanco come before White and where did the name come from? Nah, White is my last name and my family’s name. Armani White was taken when I was making an instagram so I used
Scroll through the comments of any of Kali Claire’s YouTube videos and you’ll see comment after comment praising her ability, mixed with some encouraging frustration at how underrated she is; “She deserves so much more
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Did Blanco come before White and where did the name come from? Nah, White is my last name and my family’s name. Armani White was taken when I was making an instagram so I used
Scroll through the comments of any of Kali Claire’s YouTube videos and you’ll see comment after comment praising her ability, mixed with some encouraging frustration at how underrated she is; “She deserves so much more