You were originally a B-girl, what was it like being a part of the culture so early on? It was amazing, when you’re young and doing your thing, you’re not thinking about being a part
You were originally a B-girl, what was it like being a part of the culture so early on? It was amazing, when you’re young and doing your thing, you’re not thinking about being a part
Separating rap’s false Idols from the true prophets… We know Jay Z goes by ‘Jay Hova’, an appropriation of the Hebrew term for God and Nas is ‘God’s Son’. More recently, Kanye West is apparently
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You were originally a B-girl, what was it like being a part of the culture so early on? It was amazing, when you’re young and doing your thing, you’re not thinking about being a part
Separating rap’s false Idols from the true prophets… We know Jay Z goes by ‘Jay Hova’, an appropriation of the Hebrew term for God and Nas is ‘God’s Son’. More recently, Kanye West is apparently