Introducing SS24: The Intruder Mecha by CAT Footwear. Inspired by robotic sci-fi renders and anime mecha culture, the Intruder Mecha has been forged from the DNA of Caterpillar machinery but built for the future. BUILT BIG, WORN FEARLESS.
The iconic Intruder has been reimagined in three new lifestyle styles. The Intruder Mecha, Max and Lite. These new styles are for the earthmovers and groundbreakers. Designed to empower those that wear them.
Drawing inspiration from Orienteer Magazine’s vivid imagery, we view the collection through their unique perspective. Orienteer possesses an unmatched ability to capture the awe-inspiring aspects of the outdoors, making this partnership ideal. We’re here to ignite your passion for outdoor exploration, with CAT Footwear guaranteeing comfort and durability for all your adventures.