Fresh from the release of their ‘MID AIR’ album, LA-based Hip Hop duo Paris Texas caught up with VIPER for this interview before they head out on tour. Get familiar with rapper-producers Louie Pastel and Felix via this interview…
What five words define your sound?
Louie: Gigantic. Funny. Horny. Fun. Pro-Hoe.
Tell me something unique about your creative process
Louie: Make the beat, murmur words then write to the murmurs.
Felix: Sometimes I’ll write a whole verse, then when it’s time to record I freestyle a whole new verse [laughs].
Which song of yours would you like people to hear first?
Louie: ‘Closed Caption’
Felix: A song of ours I would like people to hear first is ‘Lana Del Rey’
What inspired you to make that song?
Louie: Wanting to accept the fact I won’t be a good dad.
Felix: Toxicity, Love and Compassion.
What’s the most vulnerable you’ve allowed yourself to be when writing/making music?
Louie: I don’t know if I’ve accomplished that yet.
Felix: The most vulnerable I’ve allowed myself to be so far is on the ‘MID AIR’ album.
What’s the best/worst experience you’ve had on stage?
Felix: Best Experience – Watching a crowd open a pit and drive a canoe.
Worst Experience – My Coachella stage dive. It was so amateur. Now all my stage diving is Pro Level.
Louie: Best experience – Getting twerked on mid-verse at a show in Otis College.
Worst experience – Bombing at a backyard party performing after a lit DJ. The whole crowd walked away.
What is your favourite song to perform?
Felix: My favourite song to perform is probably ‘Dr. Aco’.
Louie: Same.
Which artist/song/album made you want to make music?
Felix: I think it was ‘Graduation’ or ‘Gone Fishing’.
Louie: Blink 182 self titled.
What’s the meaning behind your name?
Felix: You know what’s funny? My name was originally an alias I had when I was learning to screen-write [laughs]. Then I made some new friends and they wouldn’t stop calling me by this name. My newer name was way more fye, but it’s too late [laughs].
Louie: I wanted my Rap name to sound like a movie character
If you weren’t making music, what would you be doing instead?
Felix: I’d probably be working as some sort of journalist or something.
Louie: I’d prolly be driving trucks living somewhere in Inland Empire trying to impregnate somebody I met at a pool hall.
What’s success to you?
Felix: Success to me is learning from my failures. Constantly adapting and learning how to breakthrough.
Louie: Success is finding a way to be comfortable with yourself without fitting into other peoples idea of success for you.
What moment in your life/career forced you to change direction?
Felix: The moment in my life that forced me to change direction was when I knew I was going to quit my job. When I met my team.
Louie: When my mom married my stepdad.
Where can people keep in touch with you?
Felix: Twitter: @ParisTexasUSA Instagram: @paristexas Twitter/Instagram: @attackfelix And here’s my number if u wanna text:
Louie: instagram: @everybodycantbefamousmynigga