82K DEGREES Presents a new seasonal capsule exploring EDENS GARDEN, An intergalactic realm to which the brand immerses itself, and eccentrically thrives within as it debuts its first offering of premium contemporary wear. Taking place on drip planet, taken birthed and inspired from the original print of the forbidden forest set the leaf has become symbolic through the land of drip planet one of the many places to be explored within the 82K degrees galaxy.
82K DEGREES in recent weeks has spearheaded into orbit, hot from our recent front cover feature with UK Artist Ardee. It continues to turn heads, and grip attention with a visual collaboration with Morrocan born, London based photographer Hana Zebzabi for the official campaign of ‘EDENS GARDEN’, an A/W21 debut for the young British brand.
Teleporting to an unknown dimension, taking comfort amongst EDENS GARDEN, 82K DEGREES unveils an exciting capsule of eight accustomed garments, a generous offering for the first instalment of AW21. EDENS GARDEN encapsulates a breathable crop-top designed from a blend of cotton and recycled elastane proving a perfect, warm layer tight to the body to be worn as seen, or styled with a 100% organic cotton ring spun crewneck, embroidered crewneck, and finished with a tasteful graphic of an autumnal leave crest emblem.
82K DEGREES announced the official launch available exclusively on www.82kdegrees.com. Stay connected with the latest style and fashion news by tapping into our social media platforms @vipermagazine