Emerging young rap talent ‘BT XANTA‘ catapults himself into a new space with a refined sound to champion his anticipated and latest single ‘HEARTBREAK HOTLINE’ through a gripping video production by none other than ‘No Jumper’ creative and director Casper Masi. The debut of ‘HEARTBREAK HOTLINE’ by BT XANTA saw a tsunami of viral impressions and the track had been leaked on his social media channels over the recent weeks.
Staying true to BT XANTA’s melodic verses and harmonious, emotional rap, the single ‘HEARTBREAK HOTLINE’ is a reflection of BT’s emotional journey, coming out of mental isolation and with a daring and meaningful attitude. The suspense for the video was growing daily, infused with his sincere sound with the visionary that is Casper Masi, the amply creative duo manifested a serious body of engaging and gripping visuals for the newly mastered single. The music video allowed the two to orchestrate the production with a fitting cinematic edge.
Watch the full video to Heartbreak Hotline Dir By @caspermasi & VHS by @filmbytodd now.